Concentus Citizenship Education Foundation

Concentus supports diversity, equity, and inclusion in the classroom by providing grade-appropriate, structured, compelling classroom resources for Saskatchewan teachers. The Concentus Citizenship Education Resources have been made for all grades K to 12 and are freely available online (

Where to find us:


Box 171

Saskatoon, SK



M-F 8AM to 5PM

Where to find us:

Financial gifts

Concentus receives no funding from the provincial government. Donations allow the further development, promotion, and distribution of citizenship education resources and the accompanying professional development for educators.

What we need:

How you can help

Financial Donations

Email: David Fisher – Concentus Citizenship Education Foundation is a CRA registered Canadian charity (#8093 03332 RR0001).

Item Donations

More Ways to Help

More about us

Community Impact

The education system plays a central role in providing inclusion and belonging for everyone. The classroom is the most important place to combat racism. The long-term antidote to racism and bigotry is the development of critical thinking, empathy and engagement in Canada’s youth. Effective citizenship education allows the discovery, exploration, development, and refinement of these essential qualities. Citizenship education is an inoculant to hate. It confronts and prevents racism and discrimination at their fundamental levels.

Financial Breakdown

Donations can be directed to specific projects (e.g. creating lesson plans on appropriate themes) or for ongoing operation of the foundation. We respect the wishes and intentions of the donor.

Our Philosophy

MISSION The Concentus Citizenship Education Foundation’s mandate is to educate and empower individuals to understand their rights and to be responsible, respectful, and participatory citizens committed to justice in our multicultural pluralistic society.

Programs and Services

The Concentus Citizenship Education Resources have been made for all grades K to 12 and are freely available online ( These resources have been versioned for English, French immersion, and Fransaskois and are searchable, bookmarkable and downloadable from a variety of platforms. The resources are continually updated and added to.