What Motivates Us

On a very rainy day in 2018, Gregg and Ali began the Sanctum Care Group Challenge. Participants in this challenge are invited to spend 36 hours living here in Saskatoon as if they’re homeless–using the services of several non-profits to get a sense of their work, and trying to understand what it might be like to live on the streets. Ali’s eight-year-old son joined them on the challenge, too.

“It was meeting other moms that made me glimpse just how hard it must be to get through the day to day,” Ali says. “The work of non-profits throughout our city make such a difference every single day.”

Once the challenge was over, Gregg and Ali realised that there was a disconnect between the community, nonprofits and the work non-profits do. Most people don’t know most of the incredible programming and services that charities in Saskatoon offer, and what a difference these services make.

Gregg and Ali reached out to the charities that had helped them do the challenge, and tried to find out their current wish lists and needs to be able to donate to them. It took hours to find accurate answers, because non-profits have to deal with so much on a daily basis that it’s not always easy for them to share what they most need with our community.

Gregg also shared a video after the challenge and hundreds of people reached out to him to see how they could support local charities. He saw how people want to help, and how much need there is in the non-profit sector for understanding and for donations.

Katelyn Roberts, ED of Sanctum Care Group, suggested a large meeting of EDs, Indigenous voices, community leaders and potential donors to see if there was a way to create an online space where local charities could showcase their work and share their needs.

After that first large meeting, Gregg, Ali and Katelyn spent countless hours listening to community members, non-profits, Indigenous leaders, corporate groups and people in the tech world, asking advice, doing surveys, researching, and listening to make an online space that truly serves what is needed. One Small Step was created.

One Small Step wants to connect local donors with local non-profits in order to solve issues in our community that exist right now.

Be a part of the change, join our newsletter, share our news, follow us on our socials @onesmallstepsk and, most importantly, find a charity on this site that connects with your values and your passions.

One Small Step is made by you and for you. Let the team at One Small Step know how to make our site better and easier for you to connect with local charities and our team will make it happen.

Because we all have something to give.


The Values That Define Us

Social Equity

We stand for equal insight and say for all members of our society. We are concerned with justice, education, and social policy; and we believe that everyone must have access to equivalent and fair futures.

Cultural Safety

In the work we do, we work to create a space that is physically, spiritually, emotionally and socially safe for every person.


As we integrate established social profit organizations into a network, we create and innovate with technology and connections to serve community needs.

On this site, we’ve created a space where you can learn about the real time needs of non-profits and how they impact our community. We hope you can discover the non-profits that fit your values and that you can be part of building a community that looks out for everyone.

Sign up to our newsletter HERE, and share this resource widely. Whenever you have something you wish to donate, or whenever you want to discover more about the work of non-profits in our city, please connect with this space as we grow.

Because we all have something to give.

Our Community

Our Community through Covid-19
Memories of the Sanctum Survivor Challenge: Peter Stoicheff

Join One Small Step

We invite any non-profit in Saskatoon that is a registered charity in good standing, that provides frontline services or serves or advocates for vulnerable populations, and that also seeks to increase equity here in Saskatoon to join our site so their work is visible to anyone who visits us here. We started with a smaller group of non-profits to make sure our site works well before we grow it. Please contact us so we can ensure your vital work is represented for free on this resource in the future.

Financial Gifts

One Small Step doesn’t take any donations. We help bridge local donors to local non-profits around our city. Find a local non-profit to support within your community.

Discover More About Our Community

The Health Disparities Report on Saskatoon highlights the stark realities faced by many living in our community.

Many families who live in poverty struggle to pay rent, have enough to eat, or manage the day-to-day of life as they deal with mental health stresses, addictions or potential homelessness.

The need for access to safe, affordable, and appropriate housing can dramatically improve the lives and futures of those most impacted. Some populations continue to be impacted disproportionately by health disparities; and many households face high levels of precariousness and risk of homelessness in Saskatoon.

From health to education, to poverty and homelessness we can all work together to close the gap and create a equitable and safe community for all of us.

Supporting the many social-profits who work in our city to support families, individuals and children can transform people’s futures.

Let us help you find a charity

Figuring out where to donate can be overwhelming, let us randomly select a local organization that needs your help.

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We suggest you check out:

Haven Family Connections

Between our two programs, close to 1000 families a year are supported to be successful.