Saskatoon Council on Aging

The Saskatoon Council on Aging provides age-friendly programs and services to help older adults stay active, engaged and informed.

Where to find us:


2020 College Drive

Saskatoon, SK

S7N 2W4

(306) 652-2255

8:30am – 12pm &
1pm – 4:30pm

Where to find us:

Financial gifts

Social participation and engagement are key to healthy aging. We need your help to provide programs and services to keep older adults active, engaged and informed. Help us build an age-friendly community today – please donate today!

Misc Items

Volunteer time:

Volunteering is essential for organizations like SCOA. Our volunteers form the core of our mission, enhancing the lives of older adults and fostering a positive, compassionate community through their contributions of time and skills. They play a pivotal role in our efforts to uphold the dignity, well-being, and independence of older adults in Saskatoon.

Whether helping us host a special event, writing to a pen pal, or volunteering for a buddy program, your time and dedication are invaluable to SCOA and our community.

How you can help

Financial Donations

To donate, visit our website.

Phone 306.652.2255 or mail cheques to SCOA 2020 College Drive, Saskatoon S7N 2W4

Item Donations

Please watch our Ways to Help page for seasonal events and opportunities.

More Ways to Help

More Ways to Help – Spread the word – Social participation and engagement are key to healthy aging. Help us provide programs and services to keep older adults active, engaged and informed.

More about us

Community Impact

We measure our community impact through event and program participation, lifelong learning participation, phone and online referrals, web site visits, social media engagement. Programs are evaluated to ensure the needs of older adults are met.

Financial Breakdown

Due to life changes, many older adults are at high risk to become socially isolated which negatively impacts their health and wellness. Your donations help us combat social isolation by connecting older adults through free social events, learning to stay connected with technology, phone visits with volunteers and support.

Our Philosophy

Positive aging for all in an age-friendly community: Positive aging involves maintaining a sense of purpose, having the ability and freedom to make choices, managing stress, staying involved with family and social networks, feeling good about ourselves and continuing to enjoy a self– perceived quality of life. As limitations arise, positive aging continues to be made possible by the availability of ongoing help and support.

Programs and Services

The Saskatoon Council on Aging provides age-friendly programs and services to help older adults stay active, engaged and informed. SCOA provides lifelong learning opportunities, social events, resources and referrals to support older adults.