Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation (SPSF)

Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation works in partnership with Saskatoon Public Schools to support students, schools and teachers with a focus on: literacy, wellness and innovation.

Where to find us:


310 21st St E

Saskatoon, SK

S7K 1M7

(306) 683-8550

8:30am – 4:30pm

Where to find us:

Financial gifts

When you donate to Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation you are helping propel Saskatoon students reach the next level of their learning potential. We are always in need of funding for our literacy and nutrition programs as well as our Canpotex Cheer Crate initiative and Early Learning Equal Start campaign.

What we need:

Personal Items
Food Items
Household Items
Misc Items

Volunteer time:

We have many opportunities for volunteers, from helping with nutrition in schools, to volunteering at our events. Please head over to our site to learn more and sign up.

How you can help

Financial Donations

Please use this link to donate to us online DONATE

Mail a cheque payable to: Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation
310-21st St E
Saskatoon, SK S7K 1M7

Item Donations

Call us at 306-683-8550

Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm

More Ways to Help

Big or small, every donation is a step towards better education for Saskatoon children.

Learn more about us through our Annual Reports and by signing up for our Newsletter.

More about us

Community Impact

We connect students, families, schools, and communities. Through collaborative partnerships with local businesses, organizations and individuals we are able to offer programs and support that go above and beyond government funding. Our goals are: 100% Grade 3 reading level for all Saskatoon Public Schools’ students; Access to healthy, nutritious food for all students; Acceleration of Innovative ideas within our schools.

Financial Breakdown

Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation is a charitable organization supporting Saskatoon Public Schools. We work with individuals, business and organizations to raise funds to benefit our children and elevate our community.

Our Philosophy

Our mission is to provide enhanced learning opportunities for Saskatoon Public Schools’ students and celebrate public education.

Programs and Services

Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation works in partnership with Saskatoon Public Schools to support students, schools and teachers with a focus on: literacy, wellness and innovation. Programs include: Early Learning Equal Start, Camp Brain Power, Page Turners Tutor Program, Nutrien Food4Thought, Canpotex Cheer Crates, Grants to schools, Cameco Centre of Excellence and Nutrien Eco-Science and Indigenous Learning Centre.