Wanuskewin Heritage Park

Wanuskewin Heritage Park is committed to advancing the understanding and appreciation of the evolving cultures of Northern Plains Indigenous Peoples. The park offers educational, spiritual, historic, and cultural programming and ceremony. The park is committed to land conservation and the preservation of northern Prairie Grasslands.

Where to find us:


RR #4 Penner Road

Saskatoon, SK

S7K 3J&


9: 30 am to 5 pm, 7 days a week.

Where to find us:

Financial gifts

There are many facets of Wanuskewin. Gifts to the park would support our programming, for example, appropriately compensating Elders for their work and appropriately compensating dancers, singers, drummers, and other specialists for their work. Gifts to the park can also support land-based projects and resources such as seed for the Seven Sisters Garden or upgrades to equipment. Gifts to the park can support bison care including feed, paddock maintenance, and other resources for well-being. As well, development of new programs like an Elder-in-Residence is needed. This program offers guidance, instruction, medicines, and relationship building.

What we need:

Volunteer time:

We have recently hired a new community engagement intern and their role is to facilitate, engage, and organize volunteers. This is exciting news for Wanuskewin because we offer several volunteer experiences such as the ‘hand-to-land’ program which invites volunteers to spend time on the land doing conservation activities. We also require volunteers for one day opportunities like National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

How you can help

Financial Donations

Thank you for your support – please donate through our website.

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Item Donations

Our resource management team appreciates gardening supplies like sheers, clippers, gloves, shovels, buckets, and other personal protection equipment.

More Ways to Help

More about us

Community Impact

Wanuskewin is a gathering place. We offer educational programming for students, meeting spaces, tours, and other resources that build cultural capacity. Cultural capacities include opportunities to eat country foods, engage in ceremony, communicate with Elders, and explore Indigenous music, art, and dance. When able, Wanuskewin also shares resources with other organizations. For example, donations received on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation were donated to the Survivor’s Circle – an organization dedicated to the support of those impacted by Canada’s Residential School System.

Financial Breakdown

Wanuskewin offers multi-faceted programming: curriculum-based programs, field school for archaeology students, experience based learning for Sask Poly-Tech Tourism Students, public engagement, art gallery tours, museum interpretation, land-based learning, bison walks, cultural performances and ceremonies.  Wanuskewin sits on 741 Acres of native prairie grasslands, and community support allows us to maintain a sustainable, responsible and resilient land management program.  Donations also help us maintain the stewards of this land.

Our Philosophy

Wanuskewin aims to advance the understanding and appreciation of the evolving cultures of Northern Plains Indigenous Peoples. Wanuskewin aims to be a living reminder of the peoples’ sacred relationship with the land. We aim to do this by honoring the Elders, demonstrating innovation & creativity, by bridging cultural understanding, upholding high ethical standards, partnerships, sustainability & stewardship of the land, authenticity, mutual respect & trust, spirituality, exceptional service, and to celebrate diversity.

Programs and Services

We offer educational programming focused on traditional knowledge, storytelling, and history. For example, land-based guided tours led by cultural interpreters. Dancers, singers, drummers, and other experts often teach at the park as well. Elders, knowledge holders, and community members also offer expertise at the park in various capacities. Indigenous markets, conferences, and other community events are also hosted at Wanuskewin, as well as important cultural events like National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, and National Indigenous Peoples’ Day.