Hope Restored Canada

Based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, we are a charitable organization guided and led by compassionate people who care deeply about the restoration and empowerment of all people, especially those who have been impacted by sexual exploitation and trafficking. Hope Restored has an 8 bed safe house in Saskatoon for women and girls wanting to exit the sex trade. Our home provides support, hope and most im

Where to find us:



Saskatoon, SK

S7K 1N7

(306) 371-4673

Mon-Fri 9:00AM-4:00PM

Where to find us:

Financial gifts

Be the difference between hope and hopelessness. You can change the ending by making a donation today.

What we need:

Personal Items
Food Items
Household Items
Office Supplies
Misc Items

Volunteer time:

We need volunteers to help with Program Support, Program Facilitators (addiction recovery, life skills, art, self esteem etc.), Grant Writers, Tech Support, and Office Admin.

If you are interested in volunteering please email us at info@hoperestoredcanada.org

Please note:

Contact info@hoperestoredcanada.org for more information and to be connected with someone.

How you can help

Financial Donations

Online https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/hope-restored-canada


Hope Restored Canada
Main Office

310 Wall Street Saskatoon, SK Canada S7K 1N7


Drop off items and cash donations directly to the office during business hours (call to arrange drop off).


Item Donations

More Ways to Help

Sign up with your email address to receive news about events and learning opportunities. Find the sign up link on our site in the bottom corner.


More about us

Community Impact

We provide a program and safe housing for women as they exit/escape sexual exploitation & trafficking. Participants are offered multi-faceted educational/trauma-informed healing programs, skill-building, and cultural support. Our outreach efforts offer info & exit strategies for those in the industry, and our educational tools support the public in understanding how to identify, prevent, and both the causes & impacts of trafficking in our communities.

Financial Breakdown

85% of funds raised go directly into our programming, which includes outreach, research, education, & Holistic Restoration Program. This Program involves weekly trauma counseling, Program Staff, daily classes & nutrition, skill-building, supplies, safety, participant celebrations, and individual supports. The remaining 15% supports administration of the Program. We believe in stewarding wisely what is given & strive to allocate funds accordingly.

Our Philosophy

Hope Restored Canada operates within our H.O.P.E. Model of Holistic restoration, Outreach, Partnership, and Education. We believe all humanity is inherently valued & worthy of respect and dignity. We also honour the journey towards restorative justice & a holistic understanding of healing. We are committed to being trauma-informed, championing human rights, responding to the TRC Calls to Action, and working in impactful partnerships.

Programs and Services

Hope Restored Canada offers a 9-12 month healing program for women wanting to exit the sex trade, connected to a 6-bed safe house. Our program provides healing & addictions support, hope, and that “safe place to go.” Since opening in November 2019, we’ve celebrated 2 graduates and anticipate many more. Participants work hard to recover from years of exploitation, through individual & group counseling. We are also invested in Education and research efforts.