Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation

Our Mission is “to provide a safe place for injured & orphaned wild animals to grow & mend until they can return to their natural habitat while encouraging public tolerance & understanding of wildlife." These vulnerable animals have no vote, so LSWR is here to protect them and be their voice.

Where to find us:


100 Rayner Ave

Saskatoon, SK

S7N 2P8

(306) 281-0554

Winter: 9am to 5pm Summer
(Mid-May to late September) 7am to 10pm

Where to find us:

Financial gifts

We take in over 2000 wild animals a year. They require specialized food & housing. There are medical costs associated with injured animals (meds, x-rays). Most animals have been impacted by humans, so this is our way of balancing the scales and giving back to our wild neighbours. The ecosystem that supports human life includes these animals. We need them for our own survival on this planet, and they deserve a second chance.

What we need:

Food Items
Office Supplies
Misc Items

Volunteer time:

We use volunteers all winter and throughout the summer to help with cleaning, feeding and caring for the animals at the facility. We have everyone attend an orientation and then they receive supervision at the facility. We also use volunteers at events, to assist with pickups/rescues, and to advocate for the wildlife. From Construction, sewing, fundraising, and more, we need volunteers! Email us for more information:

How you can help

Financial Donations

Donations can be by E-transfer, to Cheque dropped off, or in the mail Online through CanadaHelps or PayPal (links are on the website) cash also gratefully accepted Gift cards

Item Donations

Take a look at our Amazon wish list under LSWR:  we need lab coats, gloves, dried mealworms, and more!

Visit our Website wish list!

More Ways to Help

Join us at Fundraisers Follow us on Facebook and participate in events, including our advocacy efforts Sign up for our Newsletter and keep up with the latest happenings Do what you can to protect our local wildlife & convince everyone else you know to do so as well!

More about us

Community Impact

We provide a place for the public to bring injured wildlife that they find in distress. This is a public service that supports compassion in humans while also benefiting our wild neighbours. As the largest wildlife rehabilitation in the province and the only facility for birds in Saskatoon area, we have over 1500 people bringing us animals each year who are grateful for the resource. We provide the full range of treatment services needed to rehabilitate small birds and mammals. We assist the public with issues relating to wildlife; and promote knowledge and appreciation of wild animals and the habitats they depend on for survival. Animals outside the scope of LSWR will be accepted, assessed, stabilized and transferred to the appropriate rehabilitation facility.

Financial Breakdown

We try to rely upon federal grants for summer students during our busy season allowing most donations to go toward food and care for the animals. Staff are feeding baby birds every 1/2 an hour from 7am to 10pm.  Baby mammals are fed every 4 hours through the night.  This work is very labour intensive, and while the opportunity to release an animal is rewarding, we see horrific injuries and the outcomes can be heartbreaking. Donations can also be directed toward a particular activity.

Our Philosophy

Our Vision: “a balanced relationship with our wild neighbours based upon respect and appreciation.” Our Mission: “to provide a safe place for injured and orphaned wild animals to grow and mend until they can return to their natural habitat while encouraging public tolerance and understanding of wildlife.” Our Philosophy is essentially “if you care enough to rescue and bring in the animal, we will put in the time and energy to rehabilitate it.”  Therefore we accept all wild animals brought to us, regardless of age, species, color, attitude, origin, injury, or need.

Programs and Services

LSWR offers education programs for all ages designed to engage people in developing a relationship with their natural environment.  That connection and knowledge will encourage appreciation for our wild neighbours as well as stewardship of the environment in the future. Participants learn about specific Saskatchewan wildlife, their natural history, their role in the ecosystem, how humans impact them, and what we can do to help.  Ambassadors offer the opportunity to recognize the value of each individual species.