SSAIC Saskatoon Sexual Assault & Information Centre
SSAIC offers individual and group counselling services to all survivors of sexualized violence, their families, the general public, and other support / service providers.
Roadways Literacy Academy provides specialized instruction to children diagnosed with dyslexia and other learning disabilities. By employing an individualized direct, sequential, and structured program, where the teacher pupil ratio rarely exceeds 1:3, we achieve a high degree of success.
1438-B Fletcher Road
Saskatoon, SK
S7M 5T2
We are not government funded so we rely on parent tuition for students, grants and donations. Donations are used to provide an excellent level of education to our students.
Donation can be sent to: Roadways Literacy Academy Saskatoon Inc. 1438 – B Fletcher Road Saskatoon, SK S7m 5T2
Contact the school 306-220-3038 or Stephen Erickson 306-717-1775 to discuss donations. New or good quality used items can be dropped off at the school.
One Small Step is committed to truth and reconciliation and recognizes with gratitude that we operate on Treaty 6 territory and the Homeland of the Métis.
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