Roadways Literacy Academy Saskatoon Inc.

Roadways Literacy Academy provides specialized instruction to children diagnosed with dyslexia and other learning disabilities. By employing an individualized direct, sequential, and structured program, where the teacher pupil ratio rarely exceeds 1:3, we achieve a high degree of success.

Where to find us:


1438-B Fletcher Road

Saskatoon, SK

S7M 5T2


8:30-4:00 Monday-Thursday 8:30-12:00 Friday Following the school calendar.

Where to find us:

Financial gifts

We are not government funded so we rely on parent tuition for students, grants and donations. Donations are used to provide an excellent level of education to our students.

What we need:

Office Supplies
Misc Items

How you can help

Financial Donations

Donation can be sent to: Roadways Literacy Academy Saskatoon Inc. 1438 – B Fletcher Road Saskatoon, SK S7m 5T2

Item Donations

Contact the school 306-220-3038 or Stephen Erickson 306-717-1775 to discuss donations. New or good quality used items can be dropped off at the school.

More Ways to Help

More about us

Community Impact

Our unique school is the only one of its kind in Saskatchewan. As well as providing face to face instruction to children in our community, we also offer online learning to dyslexic children in outlying areas. As well, we offer yearly in-service to teachers across our province, targeting the resources and strategies necessary to teach this unique group of learners.

Financial Breakdown

Donations are use to help provide the intense high level of instruction these children require. Resources are necessary for these special programs, online programs for reading instruction typing etc. We also use donations to help support the tuition for families that otherwise could not afford to send their child to us and receive the specialized education they require.

Our Philosophy

OUR MISSION Our mission is to provide  individualized learning opportunities for students with unique needs, particularly those with a specific learning disability such as dyslexia, by providing a structured environment that is tailored to the students’ individual needs. OUR VISION Enabling students to develop their own potential through structure, understanding, and academic growth.

Programs and Services

We offer a variety of programming options: families may choose to attend only 90-minute literacy sessions three to five times a week; others, bring their children for a full morning or afternoon with those students receiving both literacy and math instruction; and finally, others choose to enroll their child in our full-time school where we offer a full Saskatchewan curriculum for Grades One to Ten.