White Buffalo Youth Lodge (Child & Family, Access to Health/Social/Housing Support, Employment Support)
What are the services you provide?: White Buffalo Youth Lodge is a multipurpose center used during the day for educational classes, functions, meetings, etc., and in the late afternoon/evening it serves as a youth recreational facility fostering a safe and fun environment for all to participate in.
How do you deliver services?: We deliver services through educational and recreational programs held during the day and evening, weekly. This can include special events and programs ran by our four partners and other community based organizations.
What are your core services and programs?: Our core programs are our After School program for children aged 6-13, access for the community to a Nurse Practitioner and Dentist, our evening youth programs and the recreational programs held in the gym. In recent years our cultural programs have become significant to our families and the community as a whole.
What’s your philosophy of care?: Our programs promote individual and family need fulfillment and personal development by increasing understanding and awareness. It stimulates appreciation, encourages self-discovery and enlarges one’s source of enjoyment. It helps give meaning to live. These programs aid in the development of the individual and individuals interacting together to help improve the quality of the individual, the families, and community life. Therefore, the primary purpose of our services and programs are individual and community development through leisure and recreation experiences; the product is self-satisfaction and quality of community life.
Who is your target population?: Our center is status blind and serves all populations.
What is your mandate?: The mission and vision of White Buffalo Youth Lodge (WBYL) is dedicated to improving the quality of life and health for children, youth, young adults and their families in the inner city through integrated, holistic support services. The vision of White Buffalo Youth Lodge is that through the collaboration of all orders of government and the community; children, youth, and young adults will have the capacity to make healthy life choices and be leaders in the Saskatoon community.
What impact do your services have on our community?: Our services within the WBYL impact the community by strengthening the individuals attending program and improving their quality of life. Through the many programs offered within the environment, children, youth, and families are engaged to build their respective medicine wheel and embrace programming that provides for their spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional selves. This in turn creates a better and more engaged community.
How do you measure your impact in the community?: We measure our impacts on the community through anecdotal evidence and quantitative measurement.
What do financial donations go toward in your organization?: Financial donations to our organization would mainly be utilized as support for programming through new program development, nutritional support, program supplies, and/or equipment purchasing or upgrades.